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Start a free trial today and start booking more meetings. 📅

Less work, more meetings booked

Activebook will fix your leaky funnel, and help you book more meetings with your inbound leads.

Qualify your lead

Save time and money by only focusing on leads that can convert into revenue. You do this by:
  • Defining which leads need to be pushed through the funnel.
  • Redirecting unqualified leads away from your sales rep's calendars.

Route your lead

Stop losing leads to a leaky funnel by routing your prospects directly to your reps, and to your CRM.

While your lead is routing, they will see their sales rep's meeting link. You can set your prospect routing in three different ways:
  • Round robin.
  • Defining prospect or account ownership based on your form submissions.
  • Syncing account ownership with your CRM.

Book a meeting

Your lead is instantly directed to their area sales rep's meeting link. From the meeting link, inbound leads can choose a date and time that works best for them.

Sales reps will receive an email with the all the information your lead entered in your form. This email will trigger if:
  • A lead booked a meeting.
  • A lead didn't book a meeting.

Grow your pipeline 🚀

Your lead quickly sees your product, and you track your inbound lead behavior. You can track things like:
  • Inbound leads and the information they submitted in your form.
  • Meetings booked conversion rate.

Less work, more meetings booked

Activebook will fix your leaky funnel, and help you book more meetings with your inbound leads.

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25 free leads
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Dashboard of Activebook

Qualify your lead

Save time and money by only focusing on leads that can convert into revenue. You do this by:

  • Defining which leads need to be pushed through the funnel.
  • Directing unqualified leads away from your sales rep's calendars.
Qualify leads Activebook screenshot
Route your leads Activebook screenshot

Route your lead

Stop losing leads to a leaky funnel by routing your prospects directly to your reps, and into your CRM.

While your lead is routing, they will see their sales rep's meeting link. You can set your prospect routing in three different ways: 

  • Round robin.
  • Syncing account ownership with your CRM.
  • Defining prospect or account ownership based on your form submissions.

Book a meeting

Your lead is instantly directed to their area sales rep's meeting link. From the meeting link, inbound leads can choose a date and time that works best for them.

Sales reps will receive an email with the all the information your lead entered in your form. This email will trigger if:

  • A qualified lead booked a meeting.
  • A qualified lead didn't book a meeting.
Book a meeting Activebook screenshot
Dashboard of Activebook screenshot

Grow your pipeline 🚀

Your lead quickly sees your product, and you track your inbound lead behavior. You can track things like: 

  • Inbound leads and the information they submitted in your form.
  • Meetings booked conversion rate.

CRM Integrations

Integrate directly into your CRM instance. If your CRM isn't listed below, request it here.

HubSpot logo
Salesforce logo

CRM Integrations

Integrate directly into your CRM instance. If your CRM isn't listed below, request it here.